As part of our mission to preserve and protect the 17 acres that make up the Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve, a spilt rail fence was installed today to help prevent erosion on both sides of the maintenace road. Wildflowers and other native plants will be planted in the open areas around the bank of the pond and lagoon.

These areas have been popular with fishermen, but with all the foot traffic on the bank, we've been unable to get flowers or plants established. Once these plantings are in place and mature, they will help reduce the amount of runoff into the pond and the lagoon and will also help prevent the buildup of sand and silt in the new culvert that was installed three years ago as part of our restoration.

There are still many other great areas to fish at the Preserve, including the entry bridge, the four piers along the Al Bell Trail and the Wilder River Walk.

Thanks so much to Steve, Norm, Gale and Tom for their hard work!