Teachers! Help us expand our QR Code Trail at the Preserve. We currently have 9 QR Code stations located throughout the Preserve, but our goal is to establish at least 60 stations. Each station has a post with a specific QR Code attached to the top and that code is linked to our website. When scanned with a cell phone, information about a specific area or feature of the Preserve is sent to the phone.

To get started, please email us at muskegonlakenaturepreserve@gmail.com and then we will email you a copy of our species list of over 400 plants and animals. Once you have the list you and your students can pick a species to reseach at the Preserve and then write a short narrative on your findings.  

Once the narrative is complete, it will be added to the Preserve website on the Points of Interest Page and a QR Code will be printed and added to a post in a designated area related to your report. Your class name will also be added to the published report on the website!